
“Being in the group has been genuinely transformative for me. It has connected me with others who have encouraged and inspired me. It has given me the space to experiment and make mistakes, then realise there are no mistakes in art!” JenA  July 2024

“now I’m more confident in thinking of myself as a creative person when for such a long time I feel like my life and identity was defined by being a person who is unwell”. JenA  July 2024

“I would most definitely recommend an artWell project” Karol  Landscape Day July 23

“I find it to be a calm atmosphere when I am free to be myself …. There is no pressure put on you to confirm” Rosemary Project TIMS June 2023

“I love coming to group” Sarah Project TIMS June 2023

“Meeting others is very difficult and this group has helped me with this” Sarah Project TiMS June 2023

“ Learning about breathing techniques and mental health has really, really helped me. The art also has allowed me to explore my own sense of self and I have started to do artwork at home because I enjoy it so much. I feel comfortable in the group and it has helped and I have taken away a lot and used the skills of breathing when feeling anxious” Emily  Project TIMS June 2023

“ I think I am better at coping with the rest of my life”
“ A space in which there is freedom to create and explore – opportunities for self-expression and support to do so, with the idea that it helps your mental health too”.
“ Through accessing this space I feel better”
“ Attending group has changed my perspective of myself. For the better”. Jenn Project TIMS June 23

“I recently had the good fortune to be invited to participate in an ArtWell project titled Postcards from the Street’ to help me manage some overwhelming mental health issues.
ArtWell is organised and run by a lovely lady called Corinne Marsh, an accomplished artist with wide ranging experience working in community mental health.
Corinne unveiled new psychological insights and introduced me to practical skills sets for positive change in my mental health. I have previously worked for many years as a professional artist but she introduced me to a carefree approach and a sense of vitality and fun that I had forgotten. And then Corinne introduced me to Outsider Art. I had never before heard of Outsider Art, a movement outside of the boundaries of conventional art practised by the supposedly naive and self-taught. For me this was the essence of ArtWell; pure artistic expression for improving mental health without artistic preconception or pretentions.
Completing the ArtWell project re-engaged the creative half of my brain and rejuvenated a sense of purpose and meaning that had eluded me for many years. Corinne is a wonderful empathic teacher and mentor. I would recommend Artwell to anyone who wants to feel better.”. Mark Short Course  2022

“Also I just wanted you to know how much you helped Andy. He felt so relieved that you totally “got him” and how he was feeling”. Louise Online Course LTTW 2021

“It’s changed my view of the world”
Andy April 2021 ACT Looking Through The Window.

“you are unlocking belief, freedom and joy I never knew I had”.
Tamsin April 2021 ACT Looking Through The Window

“Her cheerful light touch and apparently infinite variety of approaches seems to be infectious and draws out responses from the clients that our regular staff and volunteers would find a challenge. I am very grateful for her commitment to help some pretty introspective folk”. Mike Browning Camrose Centre for Homeless and Vulnerable Housed People Trustee October 2021

Her passion, enthusiasm and bright yellow jumpsuit initially took some a while to respond too, I think maybe some were still ‘phasing’ our socialising in from lockdown after lockdown, her personality and indeed bright yellow jumpsuit have since become a symbol of fun, friendliness and trust. Support Worker Camrose Centre for Homeless and Vulnerable Housed People October 2021

“Corinne’s consistency in delivering the project with care, compassion and subtle psychological approaches, while encouraging and listening has created an all-important element of trust, interest and outcomes by unlocking barriers, for example; clients that have varying issues, different backgrounds and approaches to interaction, that may have been attending Camrose for either a short period of time, or indeed have been with us for many years have responded in a way to the project that has surprised staff and volunteers, Corinne has managed to carefully draw them into enjoying the art while comfortably talking and revealing issues they suffer into safe experienced hands.

All of the clients that have, and continue to take part in this project are extremely proud of the beautiful art they have been working on, it’s so good to see them enjoying the process and we hope that artWell can continue to attend the centre”.
Clare Farrow, Manager for The Camrose Centre. October 2021

“Corinne has been amazing. I can’t lie I was a bit sceptic at first but I’m a complete fan! I never thought I’d see our clients throw themselves into the window painting. It’s amazing. She’s also been so creative and person centred when you look at the work she did with (Client’s name removed) and the compass and (Client’s name removed) and his wordsearch. Also watching (Client’s name removed) has been fascinating to see his interest in that painting by numbers, he does week on week. I think the way she’s drawn them into the work & got them revealing stuff without even realising it has been amazing. I’ll be sad when she’s finished.” Support Worker Camrose Centre 2021

“This group lifts me”.Vanessa Project TIMS Sept 21

“It’s been my lifeline ……. “ Bridg Project TIMS March 2020

“It enables people to come because it’s non judgemental, friendly and welcoming in a gentle and sometimes funny way. I feel accepted”. Anne Project TIMS June 2019

“I’ve been to bi-polar groups  and this project is the only thing that’s helped me.  I actually look forward to this”. Joan Project TIMS June 2019

“This makes me so Happy
being in this group has become very important to me and I hear this echoed from my fellow group members.
Making art is magic..no really….!.look up the definition….
I have long known that it has the power to heal and transform, and  I feel so priviledged to be experiencing how so much more powerful it is in a group. I love being part of my group the  connections i feel  are having a very beneficial effect on my mental health and the process is very interesting to me”. Jan Project TIMS July 2019

“It’s been really nice to get to know other people who have been going through similar life experiences as me”.  Becky

“Being part of the project has turned my life around”.  Kayleigh

“Coming to This Is My Space art group is the highlight of my week.

“It is a safe, welcoming, therapeutic group that is playing a key part in my mental health recovery.Freedom of expression is nurtured and encouraged without judgement and is backed up by strong psychological support.I’m very grateful to all involved for providing the space and facilitating an empowering and thoroughly enjoyable art group.Many thanks “Peter Project TIMS May 2019.

“Carys has just sent me photos of Mars and Venus and I got very tearful very quickly. They’re wonderful and I’m so glad we’re able to showcase them over the next week. Please pass on my thanks to all of the painters. To my knowledge, it’s the first visual art response we’ve had to The Virtual Orchestra, and it’s wonderful to see where this led”.Tom Philharmonia Orchestra, Project TIMS May 2019

“couldn’t have survived without you” Sabby Project 2018

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